Terms & Conditions for FIND INDIANAPOLIS

Last updated: August 15, 2024

Terms & Conditions

FIND Indianapolis  (“Speed Dating”) is a service offered by Turner Consulting LLC, hereinafter referred to as “FIND Indianapolis”  or the “Company”. 

Privacy Policy

You may review our privacy policy at the following link: Privacy Policy

Terms of Use

This Agreement sets out the legally binding terms for your use of the website and participation in all Speed Dating events. The terms are subject to change by the Company at any time, effective upon notification to you. Either you or the Company may terminate your registration at any time without explanation, effective upon sending written notice to the other party. FIND Indianapolis reserves the right to immediately suspend or terminate your access to our service, without notice, upon any breach of this agreement by you which is brought to our attention. Until such time though, this Agreement will remain in full force and effect while you use this website and/or participate in any Speed Dating events.

By using the Love In LA website or mobile application or participating in Speed Dating events, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of this agreement. These "Terms" apply to all users of the loveinla.com, thenextfunthing.com websites, and The Next Fun Thing app, whether or not they are a registered member. If you do not agree to the terms set forth, please do not register. FIND Indianapolis keeps all information supplied by you confidential. User authorizes the Company to release said information to other users who you "match" with only.

Communications Consent

By purchasing this ticket, you agree to receive communications from the Company via email and text message. These communications will be limited to information and updates related to this event. This includes, but is not limited to, event reminders, schedule changes, and important announcements. Your contact information will not be used for any other purpose or shared with third parties. 


FIND Indianapolis does not perform background checks on or screen any individuals participating in our events. By registering for a Speed Dating event you are agreeing that FIND Indianapolis  is not liable for any damages, direct or indirect, that may in any way arise out of a Speed Dating event. FIND Indianapolis  provides a forum in which singles can meet face to face and does not make any guarantees of any kind. FIND Indianapolis events are held at venues over which FIND Indianapolis and its associates have no control. Therefore, in the event that you are injured or suffer damages of any kind at a Speed Dating event, you agree to release FIND Indianapolis and its associates from any liability with respect thereof.


User agrees to indemnify and hold harmless FIND Indianapolis, its officers, directors, shareholders, consultants, agents, employees, partners, affiliates, licensees and subsidiaries from any and all losses, claims, damages, expenses (including reasonable fees, disbursements, and other charges of counsel), actions, proceedings, liabilities or investigations (whether formal or informal), or threats thereof, based upon, relating to, or arising in connection with your attendance at any of our events, any and all of the services that FIND Indianapolis provides or claims to provide, as well as communications or meetings that you arrange on your own volition and on your own time with others who have participated in a FIND Indianapolis event. You agree that you take sole and complete responsibility for any and all actions that might occur during any meeting, communication or date.

Refusal of Service

FIND Indianapolis reserves the right to refuse service to any person for any reason.

Code Conduct 

Be polite, respectful, and open-minded. FIND Indianapolis has a zero-tolerance policy on any discrimination or harassment of anyone.